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How to bake the best vegan muffins

8 Mar



You may be looking for a fabulous (and fabulously easy) vegan muffin recipe as you have run out of eggs. Or milk. Or butter. You may want a quick vegan muffin recipe that uses no dairy as you choose not to eat animal products. Or you may not care either way but just want to be eating a yummy muffin with a delicate crumb in approximately 28 minutes, if not sooner. Read on! Continue reading

Chocolate peppermint muffins

29 Apr


School holidays have just ended here in Sydney and my Tupperware containers are all full of baked goods. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and Misses 8 and 10 love to bake. If we had more than an hour at home during the holidays they were asking to bake. Continue reading

Donna Hay chocolate and double coconut muffins

12 Oct

chocolate double coconut muffins

Many moons ago, in another life, I used to eat a chocolate chip muffin every day for breakfast. I commuted from one side of Sydney to the other and at the train station at my destination there was a muffin shop. I would alight, grab a behmouth of a choc chip muffin that probably had 10 gazillion calories and eat it on the walk to work.

It wasn’t until I started baking that I realised muffins weren’t supposed to be the size of a toddler’s head. Also, muffins are about a healthy a breakfast as birthday cake.  Continue reading

Easy lunchbox idea – vegetarian cheesy muffins

20 Apr


Today is the last day of the Easter school break here in Sydney and it is cold and raining. We have my best friend’s daughter over for the day and I have used this time when gals are distracted to get my bake on.

In between dancing and building a fort Miss7 decided she wanted to help out and I suggested she make something that she can take in her school lunchboxes. We decided upon savoury muffins, something I have never made before.  Continue reading

Double chocolate pumpkin muffins

13 Sep


Yes, it is muffin mania at the Hungry Mum! What’s not to love about a portable sweet treat that requires no icing and no cutting?

Pumpkin has long been my favourite vegetable but it is only recently that I have been attracted to the idea of adding it to sweet dishes. In Australia it is served roasted or sometimes mashed but always savoury. Thanks to international baking blogs I am becoming somewhat obsessed with plonking pumpkin into my baking repertoire. Unlike the US we don’t have canned pumpkin here so it requires a fair bit of effort to chop/boil/mash the pumpkin but it is so worth it. Continue reading

Easy gingerbread muffins

6 Sep

I love making muffins – they are quick and easy and people tend to think it is fine to eat what is essentially cake at any time of the day. Win! I felt like making something with a hit of ginger recently and stumbled across this recipe on and knew it would be good. It creates quick, fast muffins that are moist and flavoursome.


1 cup of boiling water

¼ cup golden syrup

1 teaspoon bicarb

2 eggs

½ cup vegetable oil

¾ cup caster sugar

2 cups plain flour

1 tablespoon ground ginger


Preheat oven to 170C and line a 12 tin muffin pan with wrappers.

Pour boiling water into a bowl, add golden syrup, bicarb and mix, then allow to cool for 5 minutes.

Stir in oil, eggs and sugar and mix.

Add remaining ingredients and stir with a silver spoon until just combined [do not over-mix or muffins will be tough]. Mixture will be very wet so use a ladle to fill up muffin wrappers.

Bake 15-ish minutes.

Serve warm as is or allow to cool, then dust with icing sugar.

Easy banana muffin recipe

23 May


How great are muffins? They take no time to make, are versatile and can even survive being made by Misses 4 and 6 and still taste great. I had a couple of over-ripe bananas sitting in the fruit bowl so turning them into muffins was the order of the day. I tweaked several different muffin recipes from various sources but reduced the amount of sugar as I find most recipes far too sweet.

I decorated these with a few peanut butter chips but they are very yummy without. Continue reading