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Red velvet skillet brownie

2 Nov


Not very many desserts or sweet treats can tempt me – but when I see the words ‘red velvet’ I am in! I always order anything red velvet at cafes or in bakeries and I love baking red velvet-based recipes.

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Donna Hay cheat’s lamingtons

15 Sep


Lamingtons have always called to me with their siren song of sponge cake, chocolate and coconut. Despite being an obsessive baker, I find making lamingtons to be fiddly and messy – and my poor bench is always worse for wear.

Behold – the cheat’s lamington from scratch! My goddess idol Donna Hay created this recipe and I was just about dancing in the streets when I stumbled across this easy, mess-free way to make my fav cake. Continue reading

Donna Hay chocolate and double coconut muffins

12 Oct

chocolate double coconut muffins

Many moons ago, in another life, I used to eat a chocolate chip muffin every day for breakfast. I commuted from one side of Sydney to the other and at the train station at my destination there was a muffin shop. I would alight, grab a behmouth of a choc chip muffin that probably had 10 gazillion calories and eat it on the walk to work.

It wasn’t until I started baking that I realised muffins weren’t supposed to be the size of a toddler’s head. Also, muffins are about a healthy a breakfast as birthday cake.  Continue reading