Irish coffee cupcakes for St Patrick`s Day

17 Mar

Irish coffee cupcakes for St Patrick`s Day.jpg

Those of you who know me IRL know that my surname is as Irish as it gets. I have never been to Ireland but am told that my surname is plastered across stores and businesses throughout the land. Visiting Ireland is on the to do list. I assume I will love it as I love England, the cold, history…

In the meantime, I thought I would tap into my heritage by creating a cupcake with some of the more well known elements of Irish cuisine. I present my Irish coffee cupcakes – just in time for St Patrick`s Day! These easy-to-make cupcakes use a base of Irish coffee to give them a delicious kick. For those of you who don`t know, Irish coffee contains just a wee dram of whiskey 😉 Perfect for those morning-after-the-night-before moments, or more traditionally, for finishing off your evening. I recall my mum had glass footed mugs specifically for Irish coffee for use at dinner parties back in the day. Ahhh, it was another time, to be sure…

I used espresso as my base but I am sure any old coffee will produce similar results. The boozy buzz is courtesy of Jamesons Irish Whisky. The Hungry Dad is somewhat obsessed with whiskey but prefers a Japanese style so as he tries different kinds I am free to add dashes of his ridiculously huge whiskey haul to my bake of the day 🙂

Irish coffee cupcakes .jpg

I would suggest filling your cupcake wrappers ¾ full with the batter as this mixture tends not to rise as much as other cupcake batters.



¾ cup espresso

1 tablespoon brown sugar

1 nip Jameons Irish whiskey

2 tablespoons thickened cream


Mix the first three ingredients together in a jug until combined, then stir in the cream until everything is combined.

Set aside.



125g diced butter at room temperature

½ teaspoon vanilla pbean paste

½ cup caster sugar

2 eggs

1  ½ cups self raising flour

Irish coffee cupcakes for St Patricks Day



Preheat oven to 180C and line a cupcake tray with cupcake wrappers.

Place all cupcake ingredients, and the Irish coffee mixture, in the bowl of electric mixer and beat until everything is combined and smooth. The batter will be a toffee colour.

Use an icecream scoop to ¾ fill each wrapper with mixture.

Bake for 23 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out without any crumbs attached.

Decorate with buttercream icing if you like – get the recipe here:


Irish coffee cupcakes - St Patrick`s Day dessert


7 Responses to “Irish coffee cupcakes for St Patrick`s Day”

  1. abbeycoseattle March 17, 2017 at 9:38 am #

    These look absolutely delicious! I have a recipe I just posted for St. Patty’s that are chocolate Guinness Cupcakes with Bailey’s Irish Cream frosting that I was going to make tomorrow, but these might have to happen instead 🙂

  2. Sophie33 March 18, 2017 at 6:22 pm #

    They look just stunning & so wonderfully tasty too! Yummm!

  3. youthfoodblog March 19, 2017 at 9:01 am #

    Yum! A great weekend cooking idea. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Starr @ The Misfit Baker March 19, 2017 at 12:46 pm #

    Your cupcakes sound divine! And how cute are those shamrock liners?! ☘️

  5. FrugalHausfrau April 13, 2017 at 11:24 am #

    Mum, this whole post is so gorgeous!! I’d love one of those cupcakes!

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